About EMBRC Belgium
EMBRC-BE provides access to estuarine and marine habitats (water column, soft sediments and artificial hard substrates) through research vessels and a scientific diving team. It offers a wide range of experimental facilities for ecological research including climate rooms, micro- and mesocosms and equipment for climate-change related research. Integrated omics platforms for biodiscovery, microalgae culturing facilities and platforms for histological sectioning and staining techniques are available as well.
EMBRC-BE maintains a collection with well-characterised strains of marine and freshwater diatoms, including new model species for molecular and biotechnological research, a bacteria collection with >25000 strains and a living culture collection of marine macroalgae.
EMBRC-BE has five partners that aim to deliver top-level services, and strive to expand the service and training component of EMBRC.

Liaison officer
Dr Marleen Roelofs
Marine Biology Research Group
Ghent University (UGENT)
Campus Sterre S8, Krijgslaan 281
9000 Ghent, Belgium
EMBRC-BE partners
Halve Maan site, Slipwaykaai 2
8400 Oostende, Belgium
Marine Biology Research Group, Ghent University
Campus Sterre S8, Krijgslaan 281,
9000 Ghent, Belgium
Martelarenlaan 42,
3500 Hasselt, Belgium
Oude Markt 13,
3000 Leuven, Belgio
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Vautierstraat 29, 1000 Brussels, Belgium