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When you think of World Ocean Day, you might imagine sharks, whales, dolphins, and turtles – charismatic animals that beguile us with their intelligence, ingenuity, and fascinating behaviours. 

But the vast ocean is teeming with life and even the tiniest organisms play their part in keeping our planet healthy. 
For the women and girls aspiring to develop a career in STEM, it can be hard to know how to have a positive impact in science, especially without seeing strong role models. So we wanted to introduce a few of our team members and talk to them about the vital role women play in the advancement of marine science.
Discover marine biology through our PhD-focused course on marine invertebrates and live imaging. Theory meets practice with online modules and onsite labs. Led by IMEV experts, master sample prep, microscopy, and image analysis.
February 11 marks the UN’s International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). This annual celebration aligns with SDG 5 (Gender Equality) in recognising the critical role that women play in science.

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