The International Master in Marine Biological Resources (IMBRSea), a masters programme supported by EMBRC, is inviting institutions to propose topics for its Professional Practice (internship) programme.

Every year IMBRSea receives around 100 new international students. All of them do a Professional Practice during the spring, for six to eight weeks. IMBRSea is now inviting institutions to host one or more motivated students for this purpose.

Deadline for submission of a Professional Practice topic: 13 November 2020

More about Professional Practice

The Professional Practice assists students in making an informed decision concerning their career path. Students evaluate their experience in the context of the learning outcomes through a Reflective Portfolio.
Students present their experiences at the Annual Symposium in June. This enhances their self-awareness through critically evaluating and reflecting on their experiences.
Detailed information on the Professional Practice as programme component can be found on the IMBRSea website.

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